26 November 2010

Weight loss in the bible

Well, wouldn't you know it! Yesterday, I was praying to God for a change in my eating habits and myself. I mean, I became a Vegan after surviving cancer. I made that decision to be and stay healthy. And three years later I can not explain what happened.

But last night and today, I found something that made me think, at least! Thinking is good, I guess. I googled what the bible has to say about weight loss and I actually got a 'few' hits on that subject. I was surprised.

So there is a website that had an article about "Using the Bible to Lose Weight". And it says that the subject appears over and over in the bible starting pretty much in the first book Genesis. The bible mentions specific foods that were eaten in those days, and it states that overindulging foods is seen as a greed. Wow, that actually struck me in a way that I had never thought about it. Me, having a greed? No way. But once I thought about it properly, it is true, it makes sense. The bible also mentions fasting, not as a weight loss tool but maybe more like a starting point to a new diet, a more bible-based diet. Then it mentioned that many churches "support Bible-based weight loss programs and hold meetings and workshops to help members support each other in their diet journey". Oh, I like that! Where do I sign up?
Well, it also says that once applying those biblical principals to our own life, we will shed pounds, feel energized and free our bodies of toxins. That sounds good. And I have to agree because I have done the Daniel's Fast a few times, and it made me feel less intoxicated.

So in my new effort to do something good to my body, I will pick up one of the three recommended books:
  • The Lord's Table: A Biblical Approach to Weight Loss by Mike Cleveland
  • Be Healthy!: A Christian Alternative to Weight Loss Diets by Marcia Haynes-Cody
  • The Bible Cure for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain by Don Colbert

  • I have to learn how to use prayer as a tool to stay strong throughout my journey and how it can help me to resist any temptations that are thrown my way. One article mentioned that our food intake should be there to glorify God. Our body should be seen as holy temples. So we should treat them like that, not like a garbage disposal or landfill of unhealthy foods. Oh, it is so true. When I write about this, it all makes so much sense. How am I not going in the kitchen to eat that Vegan cheesecake I made this morning? Resistance! Stay away from the fridge!

    And I have to remember that I am not losing weight for someone else but for me, myself and I. God made us all different - different for a reason. And I am made beautiful by God. I just have to lose a few pounds to look a little better, but most importantly to be healthy!!!


    C. Beth said...

    Great post, and a great attitude! You are beautiful just as you are but more health is always a good thing!