05 January 2011

Great website

I have mentioned before that I am using www.dailymile.com to track my exercise. And so do others as well. I recently read a post written by a fellow blogger about that specific website and why she loves it. Here is the link to her post.

All I can add to it - I like it too. I started tracking my workouts this past May, so I don't have an accurate number of miles run for the entire year, but I also know that I didn't work out that much anyhow.... So I estimated that I ran about 170 miles total in 2010. Not bad! 
To see the progress is a great way to get encouragement from the hard work we are doing to get in shape, or lose weight, or simply stay healthy.Go runner!

And happy running in 2011.


C. Beth said...

I loved the 2010 year in review thing that Daily Mile sent today--so cool!

SurvivorBlessing said...

Me too. I burned 99 donuts! Well, I never eat them , but I sure am glad that they are all burnt off!
My best month was August.... got to get better with my self-motivation....